Weekend Filmmaking

About Weekend Filmmaking

“Make Your Movie” in our action-packed Filmmaking Course at Barry John Acting Studio. The Filmmaking Course covers the basics of writing, pre-production, lighting, directing and editing short films. The emphasis is on fresh and creative storytelling using the latest digital tech.

With six different short film projects and a final short film, you’ll be busy from start to finish with hands-on learning.
A story and writing module helps you focus on making your ideas into effective, watchable videos.
Hands-on instruction for everything from scene design to camera and lighting operation and editing, special effects and sound. Transform your ideas into upload-worthy short films.
Learn the ropes of working on a film set as you work with other students as a production team.

Course Duration

Three months (13 weekends), afternoons, At Barry John Acting Studio, New Delhi. Some filming & writing work outside class. Students will arrange their own camera and equipment unless shooting in the BJAS Studio, and students will arrange their own editing. Students will act as crew members for each others’ films to gain experience in the different production roles.

Course Fees

Course Fees: ₹50,000.00 Excluding GST
Total Fees: ₹59,000
Use “other amount to pay in full or a deposit.

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